EXPIRED: Chap in the Box

95% of UK kids say their favourite online activity is watching Video Sharing Platforms, such as Youtube or TikTok, and with the average child spending more than four hours a day in front of a screen, there's huge demand from young people for new and exciting content. Parents, on the other hand, are conflicted. With screens a ubiquitous part of modern life, they worry the content their kids are consuming is not enriching, and draws their attention away from the outside world.

At Chap in the Box, we believe screen-time can be both fun AND nutritious. That's why we create super-fun, animated shows which introduce young people to off-screen activities. Our original IP generate advertising and sponsorship revenue across video-sharing platforms, and broadcast and streaming licensing revenues in the first instance, and additional licensing opportunities for years to come, while helping to fill the digital space with passion, positivity, and joy.

Currently raising funds via Fund My Pitch.


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